When patients suffer from dentine hypersensitivity, as a dental professional you may recommend a specialist toothpaste to relieve the pain. However, many patients seek all-round oral care benefits in addition to sensitivity relief which may prevent them from changing their toothpaste and treating the condition.

GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (GSK) announces the launch of new Sensodyne Complete Protection – offering all-round care for dentine hypersensitivity patients (with twice daily brushing).1,2,3,4,5,6 Sensodyne Complete Protection is one complete sensitivity toothpaste that contains seven specially designed patient benefits (with twice daily brushing).

Sensodyne Complete Protection is powered by NovaMin technology, a bioactive technology originally developed for bone repair. Sensodyne Complete Protection:

  • Delivers clinically proven relief from the pain of dentine hypersensitivity1,2,3

  • Contains fluoride to strengthen enamel

  • Helps to maintain gingival health.4,5,6

NovaMin technology releases calcium and phosphate on contact with saliva to form a layer of protection over exposed dentine and within dentine tubules7,8,9,10,11,12 which is up to 50% harder than dentine.8,12 This layer begins to form from the first use7,8,13 and binds firmly to the dentine making it resistant to daily oral challenges such as acidic food and drinks or toothbrushing.8,14,15,16,17

NovaMin is unique in that it's the first material that will repair the vulnerable areas of sensitive teeth using the natural building blocks of teeth, calcium and phosphorous. It is breakthrough science that offers a real benefit for patients of hypersensitivity.

Recommend Sensodyne Complete Protection to your patients with dentine hypersensitivity that want all-round care for their sensitive teeth.