All Plinth 2000 couch coverings are vinyl, washable, stain resistant and capable of withstanding disinfection with a chlorine-based product.

Most of its standard upholstery grades incorporate a patented antibacterial additive, which provides long-lasting effectiveness against MRSA, C.Diff, E.coli and other harmful bacteria and is also resistant to mould and odours.

One area of particular risk is upholstery damage, through cuts, tears or poor cleaning technique. Plinth recommends regular inspection and servicing, with the option of replacing damaged vinyl as soon as any problem occurs. Plinth 2000 has designed its couch upholstery for ease and speed of replacement. It also offers the option of upgrading older models to antibacterial upholstery.

Plinth 2000 accessories include paper roll holders, tailor-made plinth covers and foot controls for electric height adjustment.

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