Founded in 1882, the BDA Benevolent Fund continues to help dentists and their families in times of crisis.

The Fund relies on your generous donations, and regardless of the size, legacy gifts remain essential in helping the Fund to continue its vital work. This is a great way of giving something back to the profession and your bequest will be exempt from Inheritance Tax.

If you would like to leave a legacy gift to the BDA Benevolent Fund, please contact your solicitor. Research shows that while many people may want to leave a gift in their will, only 7% actually do.1 By leaving a donation in your will, you could help someone in need put food on the table, pay for clothes or living expenses and enhance their quality of life.

Please help future dentists and their families in times of crisis by remembering the BDA Benevolent Fund in your will. The Fund relies on your help to continue its work, so for more information please contact us at or visit

If you are in need of help yourself, please contact us now: all enquiries are considered in confidence.