
Godlee F. BMJ 2014; 348: g3306

In a recent Abstract's section of this Journal (DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.375), the paper of Abramson JD, Rosenberg HG et al. BMJ 2013; 347: f6123 was summarised including a headline finding that 20% of people who take statins experience side effects. Professor Rory Collins of Oxford University, whose data were reanalysed by Abramson, has challenged these Abramson's findings and, during the past few months, petitioned the BMJ. The editor of the BMJ states that Collins does not consider a correction is sufficient. Collins contends that this and another paper should be retracted, despite it being argued that the important points from these papers are: 1) 'data failed to show that statins reduced the overall risk of death in people with a <20% 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease' and 2) 'saturated fats are not the main dietary cause of heart disease.' All submissions made to the panel will be put in the public domain and their recommendations will be implemented in full.