Hands-on training to enable experienced dental implant practitioners to tackle more complex cases takes place on 20-21 June 2013 at Advance Implant Clinic, Chelmsford. Presented by Dr Andrew Moore, the Advanced Implantology Course helps delegates to feel more confident managing bone deficiencies and undertaking immediate implant cases.

Dr Moore's course is designed for dentists who are already placing dental implants and wish to increase their clinical experience. The four live surgical sessions feature immediate placement and immediate loading. They demonstrate the restoration of the full arch using the ANKYLOS SynCone and SmartFix systems.

The course is approved by FGDP (UK) for accreditation of CPD hours and complies with GDC verifiable CPD requirements. Advance Implant Clinic is a purpose-built centre including state-of-the-art treatment facilities and a dedicated seminar room with surgery live on screen.

Further details can be found on the DENTSPLY Implants education website, www.courses4implants.com.