C. Scully, J. V. Bagan, M. Carrozzo, C. M. Flaitz, S. Gandolfo. Elsevier price £28.99; pp 412 ISBN


This title provides a concise easy reference guide to oral disease. Produced by leading specialists, this pocketbook covers common and more serious oral diseases with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment within the primary care setting.

The introduction covers history taking and clinical examination, providing the reader with a systematic approach to gathering essential information for accurate diagnosis. It contains excellent photographs of anatomical features and developmental anomalies and identifies common terms for describing oral lesions.

Chapter two describes oral disease by signs and symptoms, while chapter three discusses various sites giving a summary of common lesions within these areas. Both are set out in a reader-friendly, quick reference format.

Chapter two is easy to navigate with signs and symptoms appearing in alphabetical order. Information is presented over double–page spreads with key points accompanied by clinical photographs, easy to follow algorithms and quick–reference tables identifying main causes.

Common lesions are discussed by site in chapter three, with more information given under the following headings; orofacial presentation, aetiopathogenesis, age and gender predominance, differential diagnosis, main diagnostic criteria, investigations and management. This information will certainly aid practitioners in confirming a definitive diagnosis and planning treatment.

The next two chapters deal with oral manifestations of iatrogenic conditions, immune defects, haematological defects and malignancies. They include multiple tables and colour photographs to alert the reader to presentation of these lesions.

The remaining chapters cover diagnosis, investigations, management of more common oral conditions and referral for specialist advice. More complex terms are clarified in a 15 page glossary.

Overall each chapter covers essential information concisely, with a well structured, easy to follow layout. The text contains over 500 illustrations and tables, including clinical photographs, radiographic images and clever algorithms.

My only criticism of this book is that some illustrations have appeared within previous texts, as noted by the authors in the preface. However, due to the abundance of illustrations within this book, I doubt this will put anyone off.

In covering an enormous topic such as oral disease in a brief and concise manner, this pocketbook will be a welcome addition to any professional's library. I would recommend it as a must have for undergraduate dental students, as well as a quick reference guide for those in postgraduate training, general dental practitioners and dental care professionals.