Sir, tooth wear due to abrasion has been attributed to detrimental habits including pipe smoking, pencil chewing, nail biting and the habit of holding various objects between teeth. In a 50-year-old male patient that recently visited our dental clinic, severe abrasion was seen particularly on both the lower central incisors (Fig. 1). Upon enquiring, the patient was embarrassed to confess that he possessed a life-long habit of using his lower teeth to hook clothes hangers while adjusting his wardrobe ... with the clothes still on them! This was a very unusual cause of such severe tooth wear. The patient claimed to have no functional or aesthetic concerns but was interested to learn about the treatment options for restoration of these teeth. Of course, before proceeding with any restorations, one must be cautious of the fact that the patient might not let go of such a deep-rooted habit very easily, which might leave the dentist hanging!

Figure 1
figure 1

By hook or by hanger