
Frost PM. Endo: endodontic practice today 2011; 5: 293–298

The efficacy of 'any national health care system is strongly correlated with the strength and position of primary care within that system'. This retrospective clinical dental audit was carried out by a general dental practitioner. In this audit, outcomes of teeth with reversible pulpitis, treated by caries removal and placement of a steroid/antibiotic dressing were followed over 12 years. During this observational period, only 6% of teeth required extraction and a further 10% requiring endodontic treatment. What is underpinning this study, would not resonate with some of the opinions of other dental practitioners when asked as to how they perceive research (Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2011; 39: 97–104). They consider research has 'inappropriate outcomes or was politically driven.'