
Nixdorf DR, Moana-Filho EJ et al. J Endod 2010; 36: 224–230

In this study, the criterion adopted for endodontic failure was a patient-centred outcome, that of persistent pain. This symptom had to occur for at least 6 months following completion of the endodontic procedure. No restriction was placed on what provoked the pain. Only permanent teeth that had received root canal therapy, including re-treatments, were included. Of 770 articles accessed, 14 were identified by hand searching. Several papers were published in languages other than English. Twenty-six papers met inclusion criteria. The meta-analysis revealed a startling difference between the numbers of patients who experienced post-operative pain in prospective studies compared with those from retrospective studies (7.6% ν 0.9% respectively). The overall frequency for persistent pain was 5.3%.