
Clark GT, Mulligan R. J Prosthodont Res 2011; 55: 1–6

Statistics have a central role in clinical research. The statistician is integral in 1) developing a protocol, 2) processing data, not only after but during their collection, and 3) research governance in their role as an 'auditor attesting to the diligence and honesty of the research process and analysis'. Before embarking on a study, a power analysis and an estimate of the sample size must be calculated. A run-in phase reduces drop-out rates but then the study become less generalisable. Low power results in equivalence. They advise the 'novice researcher' not to assert that a particular premise is true but to instead reject the null hypothesis. This paper is full of 'Hints'. One gem, is to make known to colleagues on the proverbial Gantt chart, that the researcher has followed the '100% Rule'!