
Ho S, Rajandram RK et al. Oral Oncol 2011; 47: 121–124

The aim of this cross-sectional study, was to explore the role of hope and optimism in the development of posttraumatic growth (PTG) in 50 patients who had been treated successfully for oral cancer. Posttraumatic growth is a positive psychological change show by 'survivors of traumatic experiences (including cancer)'. Components of PTG are hope and optimism. Validated assessment tools that were customised for these patients (PTG occurs in all cultures, but there are variations) were used to assess PTG, hope and optimism. Those who had been treated successfully for oral cancer had more hope if they had a higher income and were married. In addition, they had more hope than an age-matched healthy population (data gleaned from another study). Hope, distinct from optimism would appear to be important in 'positive reframing and (of) generating positive strategies'.