
Zarrati S, Sadighpour L et al. J Prosthet Dent 2010; 103: 240–244

The aim of this study was to compare the retentive capacity of cobalt chrome T-clasps against 1) 0.25 mm resin composite undercuts, or 2) 0.25 mm natural enamel undercuts, after repeated placement and removal of this retentive component. This cycle was carried out 4,500 times in order 'to simulate a 4-year service period'. It was reported that 'retention loss was 3 times greater in the composite resin-recontoured abutments than in natural teeth (53.65% and 15.80%) relative to the initial values'. The authors did not speculate if the remaining retentive capacities were such that they would resist dislodgement of the denture in clinical use.