Retraction of: Scientific Reports, published online 24 August 2016

The Authors have retracted this Article.

In follow-up experiments on this work, we noticed a mix up of transgenic lines expressing N- and C-terminally tagged PPP1 reporter constructs under the 35S promoter. All the lines presented in the manuscript in Figure 4i–n correspond to the identical N-terminally tagged 35S::GFP:PPP1 expression cassette, and the GFP signal localizes to nucleus and cytoplasm. Expression of this construct results in a limited rescue of the ppp1-476 seedling phenotypes. However, the level of complementation is not comparable to complementation by a C-terminally GFP-tagged version of the protein that is in fact localized to the chloroplast, as reported by Manavski et al. [1]. As such, we are unable to support the conclusions presented as a nuclear regulator of PIN expression.

René Benjamins, Elke Barbez, Martina Ortbauer, Inez Terpstra, Doris Lucyshyn, Jeanette Moulinier-Anzola, Muhammad Asaf Khan, Johannes Leitner, Nenad Malenica, Barbara Korbei, Ben Scheres, Jürgen Kleine-Vehn & Christian Luschnig agree with the retraction and its wording. Haroon Butt did not respond to the correspondence about the retraction.