Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 07 April 2017

This Article contains an error in Figure 5, where the T7-FoxM1 panels have been erroneously written as 100 and not 25. The correct Figure 5 appears below as Figure 1.

Figure 1
figure 1

A Plk1-site phospho-mimetic mutant of FoxM1b fails to bind Rb in vitro. T7-His tagged C-terminal FoxM1 (residues 508–748), Plk1-site phospho-mimetic DD mutant, and GST-Rb (residues 379–928) were all expressed separately in E. coli. The bacterial lysates of the wild type or DD mutant FoxM1 were mixed with the lysates containing either GST-Rb or GST-CBP-KIX and then were allowed to bind Ni-agarose column. The eluted proteins, after extensive washing of the column, were assayed for the presence of Rb and CBP by western blotting (A and B). The left lane in each of the panels indicates the absence of Rb or CBP-KIX in the column elute when GST-Rb or CBP-KIX were passed through the Ni column in absence of FoxM1.