Background & Summary

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is one of the most common surgeries performed in the world. For example, in the United States, around 20 million people suffer from gallbladder diseases that imply nearly 300,000 cholecystectomy surgeries per year. Despite being considered a low-risk surgery, bile duct injuries (BDIs) have occurred at a constant rate in the last 30 years1, leaving devastating consequences on the affected patients. Strasberg and colleagues2 showed that most BDIs occur due to miss-identification of the bile duct and the cystic duct. This fact encouraged Strasberg to propose a method known as Critical View of Safety (CVS), which provides criteria to correctly identify cystic structures before the complete removal of the gallbladder. However, even though this identification method is commonly used and accepted for surgeons as an important attempt to reduce bile duct miss-identifications3, Way et al. showed that around 97% of the BDI occurrences were due to visual perceptual illusions and, in most of the cases of BDIs, surgeons did not even know what the problem was4,5. These findings encourage the development of technologies that aid surgeons to accurately identify the cystic structures during surgery and therefore to reduce BDI occurrence rates.

This type of technologies for automatic detection and identification are not new in the context of laparoscopic surgeries. For example, researchers have studied the problems of surgical instrument segmentation and tracking6,7,8, surgery phase identification9 and anatomical structure localization10. Most of the current work leverage complex pre-trained convolutional neural network architectures and handcrafted databases annotated by experts in the medical field11. In particular, the automatic detection of CVS for BDI prevention has gained recent interest from several researchers. The work of Mascagni and colleagues12 aimed to detect critical views of safety on still images carefully annotated and selected by skilled surgeons. They used binary annotations of the occurrence of CVS criteria and anatomical segmentation annotations, and trained a deep neural network using both types of annotations to predict CVS occurrence. Tokuyasu et al.13 tackled the problem in an object detection setting by detecting four important anatomical landmarks: the common bile duct, the cystic duct, the lower edge of the left medial liver segment, and the Rouviere’s sulcus. The correct identification of these four landmarks has proven to help surgeons to avoid bile duct injuries. In this case, the authors used the fully-convolutional architecture YOLO and bounding box-like annotations. On the other hand, Madani et al.14 addressed the problem of identifying safe and dangerous zones of dissection as well as anatomical landmarks during laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a segmentation problem providing real-time intra-operative guidance.

Despite the above mentioned studies and the effort of Mascagni and colleagues in proposing a reproducible method for objective video reporting of CVS in laparoscopic videos15, there are not publicly available datasets with annotations of the CVS criteria that can be used by researchers interested in addressing the problem of automatic CVS identification. Annotating videos based on CVS criteria on videos of laparoscopic cholecysectomy procedures is a challenging task that is time consuming and must be done only by skilled surgeons. In this data descriptor, we introduce Cholec80-CVS, the first open dataset with annotations based on CVS criteria on all the videos in the well-known Cholec80 video dataset11. Cholec80 is a popular open dataset that contains 80 video recordings of cholecystectomies performed by 13 surgeons and that has been widely used to study artificial intelligence-based models for real time analysis in surgeries.


Strasberg’s criteria in the critical view of safety

Strasberg originally proposed three main criteria over a given still image that allow the surgeon to determine if it is safe to proceed with the clipping and cutting process for gallbladder removal, and thus avoid bile duct injuries16. Strasberg’s method, known as Critical View of Safety, is based on three criteria: first, only two structures can be clearly seen connected to the gallbladder; second, the lower one third of the gallbladder is separated from the liver to expose the cystic plate; third, the hepatocystic triangle must be completely clear of tissue allowing proper visibility of all cystic structures.

Cholec80 dataset

Cholec80 dataset contains 80 high-quality videos of gallbladder laparoscopic surgeries. It was constructed by researchers from the research group CAMMA at University of Strasbourg, France. Videos in Cholec80 were recorded at 25 frames per second, and all videos were recorded for different patients, surgeons, and light conditions, facilitating the application of learning methods for surgery analysis. Additionally, each video was labeled frame by frame according to the surgical phase and the surgical instruments in the scene. Cholec80 has been widely used in recent research8,17,18,19, establishing it as one of the most popular benchmarks for research in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Cholec80-CVS: annotations of CVS criteria

Our annotators strictly followed a scoring system to ensure the creation of a high quality dataset. This system was originally proposed by Sanford’s and Strasberg’s16 and latter used by Mascagni and colleagues15 to annotate Strasberg’s CVS on still images. However, we extended it by adding a new set of complementary rules to reduce the uncertainty during the annotation process.

For each video in Cholec80, we analyzed the preparation and Calot’s triangle dissection phases. Our annotators carefully selected video segments where at least one of the non-zero Strasberg criteria was satisfied. Then, a score of one or two was assigned to the video segment following the scoring system proposed by Sanford16 and a complementary set of rules for each of the criteria proposed by our annotators as described in Tables 13. The annotators only considered video segments where the presence of the criteria was consistent for at least three seconds, allowing for the presence noise induced by occlusions or abrupt camera movements during this time lapse. We consider that all frames contained in the annotated video segment share the same annotation. Therefore, it is possible to get annotations for each frame. Those frames with a score of 0 are denoted as negative examples, while the other ones are considered as positive examples. We compute the total score of an image by adding up the individual scores of each criterion. A view of safety is achieved when the total score is equal to or greater than 5.

Table 1 Set of rules used to produce consistent and reliable annotations for the two structures criteria.
Table 2 Set of rules used to produce consistent and reliable annotations for the cystic plate criteria.
Table 3 Set of rules used to produce consistent and reliable annotations for the Hepatocystic triangle criteria.

We are aware that annotating time-lapses may induce noise, given that low quality frames can occur within an annotated video segment. For instance, brief occlusions and blurred or over exposed images may occur due to the abrupt camera movements that are common in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, we consider that Cholec80-CSV is the first step towards the creation of intelligent systems that can assist humans during surgeries. Therefore, it is crucial to model noisy input data to build robust systems in real scenarios.

Data Records

Cholec80 Videos can be obtained from the University of Strasbourg’s research group CAMMA official web site On the other hand, our annotations are publicly available as a XLSX file20. Each row in this file details the initial and final frame of a video segment where our annotators detected any of the Strasberg’s criteria as well as the score assigned to it. All video segments that are not in the provided dataset are considered to have a 0 score for all criteria. Table 4 describes each data column in our database.

Table 4 Description of each data column present on Cholec80-CVS database.

Technical Validation

Experience of the annotators

Our annotators were highly skilled surgeons: one of them with a record of approximately 700 successful cholecystectomies performed, while the second has performed about 470 successful cholecystectomies. Each of the surgeons was paired with one surgical resident. Even though residents had prior experience in laparoscopic cholecystectomy, they also received additional training from the experienced surgeons. It consisted of weekly meetings before starting the annotation process. During these meetings, the annotators carefully studied the original set of rules proposed by Sanford and Strasberg to detect CVS. Additionally, the annotators proposed a complementary set of rules shown in Tables 13 seeking consistency in the annotations. Each team evaluated 40 videos independently. When one of the teams considered their annotation unreliable, the final score was defined after a discussion between the four annotators.

Analysis of the annotations

In contrast to the methodology proposed by Mascagni15 where only the last 60 seconds before clipping and cutting phase were annotated, we analyzed the entire portion of the video prior the clipping and cutting phase. Figure 2 shows the relative occurrence of the Strasberg’s criteria across all 80 videos. The horizontal axis corresponds to a normalized time line, where 0 is the beginning of the surgery and 100 is the instant when clipping and cutting is performed. The vertical axis indicates the total number of frames across all 80 videos that contain each Strasberg’s criterion as explained in the methods section. Note that all criteria are heavily concentrated in the last quarter of the process, particularly for a score of two. However, a considerable large amount of frames annotated with a score of one occur in the second half of the analyzed phases. The latter suggest that analyzing a small video segment of 60 seconds before clipping and cutting can potentially lead to a considerable loss of important data samples.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Reference images for the Strasberg criteria.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Normalized temporal occurrence of each criterion in all videos. The horizontal axis corresponds to a normalized time line, where 0 is a the beginning of the surgery and 100 is the instant when clipping and cutting is performed.

It is evident the high imbalance between scores in the dataset. Given that most of the time a view of safety is achieved just for a couple of seconds before the gallbladder dissection, frames tagged with scores of two are very scarce. This behavior is consistent with the dynamics of a typical laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the methodology followed in the work of Mascagni and colleagues15.

Figure 3 shows the low occurrence rates of these frames for each of the Strasberg criteria, indicating a strong data imbalance between the frames annotated with score of zero and all the other frames. It is also evident an imbalance between classes, being the cystic plate criteria a clear example of an under represented class. Given that Cholec80-CVS provides annotations of the starting and ending seconds where non-zero scores are present instead of frame-wise annotations, abrupt camera movements or partial camera occlusion may occur briefly during the annotated time frame, inducing noise to the database since they can be annotated as positive samples.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Strasberg Criteria’s occurrence rate in the preparation and Calot’s triangle dissection phases. These results show a considerable data imbalance between different criteria.

Usage Notes

To ease the use of Cholec80-CVS we provide public access to both the database and all the code related to this work. The database is publicly available in XLSX format20. Cholec80-CVS can be used for researchers to assess novel image classification architectures to automatically detect CVS criteria. We also encourage researchers to contribute to enriching the current dataset either by refining the current version or by adding new samples.


Cholec80-CVS dataset has some important limitations. First, abrupt camera movements are very common, creating blurry low quality frames. Some of them may occur within the time-lapse annotated by the surgeons, producing noisy samples. Additionally, due to the nature of the surgery, in some frames a criteria may be briefly occluded by actions performed by the surgeon, but the frame will still be considered as a positive sample since it occurs within the annotated time-lapse. This behavior suggests possible research directions, for instance, implementing video analysis techniques. Analyzing multiple subsequent frames may reduce the negative impact of these noisy samples as well as reduce the probability of miss-classify images due to temporal occlusions.

The second limitation of Cholec80-CVS is the high data imbalance due to the nature of the surgery. As it is shown in Fig. 3, there is an significant imbalance between different criteria. Moreover, there is also an important imbalance between the annotations of the same criterion, as in the case of the hepatocystic triangle. In general, positive samples have very low occurrence rates, and even in some Cholec80 videos the CVS is never achieved.