Correction to: Nature Methods Published online 20 July 2023.

Following publication of this article, Christophe Leterrier (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INP UMR7051, NeuroCyto, Marseille, France) was added as an author of the paper for his contribution of Figure 2e. The author list, affiliations, acknowledgements and author contributions and have been updated accordingly.

In the originally published version of the paper, the caption for Figure 2e stated “The multicolor reconstruction of Open-3DSIM of the nuclear pore complex, actin filament and tubulin, excited at 488, 561 and 683 nm in wavelength, respectively.” This was incorrect as clathrin rather than nuclear pore complexes were labeled. This has been corrected to read: “The multicolor reconstruction by Open-3DSIM of a COS cell labeled for actin filaments (yellow), clathrin (cyan), and tubulin (red), excited at 488, 561 and 640 nm in wavelength, respectively.” Additional changes have been made to the “Sample preparation” subsection of Methods to clarify acquisition of Figure 2e.

In addition, in the original version of the main text, the authors stated “Next, according to the estimated frequency vector in the xoy and yoz plane, we designed a two-step filter in the frequency domain based on the notchfilter (Notch), apodization function (Apo), OTF and OTFnotch.” In the corrected version, they clarify that this was inspired by existing work. The text has been updated to read: “Next, inspired by Hifi-SIM7, we designed a two-step filter in the frequency domain based on the notch function (Notch), apodization function (Apo), optical conversion function (OTF) and OTFnotch according to the estimated frequency vector in the xoy and yoz plane.” All changes have been made in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.