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Generating optical vortex beams by momentum-space polarization vortices centred at bound states in the continuum


Optical vortices, beams with spiral wavefronts and screw phase dislocations, have been attracting increasing interest in various fields. Here, we theoretically propose and experimentally realize an easy approach to generating optical vortices. We leverage the inherent momentum-space topological vortex-like response of polarization (strong polarization anisotropy) around bound states in the continuum of two-dimensional periodic structures, for example photonic crystal slabs, to induce Pancharatnam–Berry phases and spin–orbit interaction in the beams. This new class of optical vortex generators operates in momentum space, meaning that the structure is almost homogeneous without a real-space centre. In principle, any even-order optical vortex that is a diffraction-resistant high-order quasi-Bessel beam can be achieved at any desired working wavelength. The proposed approach expands the application of bound states in the continuum and topological photonics.

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Fig. 1: Concept of the proposed OV generation method.
Fig. 2: Simulated band structure and polarization distribution of the designed C4v structure.
Fig. 3: Experimental set-up and measured results of the fabricated four-fold symmetric sample.
Fig. 4: Results of the fabricated six-fold symmetric sample generating a higher-order OV.

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The data that support the plots within this paper and other findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.


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We thank C. T. Chan and H. Yin for discussions. The work was supported by the China National Key Basic Research Program (2016YFA0301103, 2016YFA0302000 and 2018YFA0306201) and the National Science Foundation of China (11774063, 11727811, 91750102 and 91963212). L.S. was further supported by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (19XD1434600, 2019SHZDZX01 and 19DZ2253000).

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W.L., L.S. and J.Z. conceived the basic idea for this work. W.L. gave the theoretical explanation. B.W. and W.L. designed the structures, carried out the finite-element method and the finite-difference time-domain method simulations and analysed the simulated and measured data. B.W. and J.W. performed the sample fabrications. B.W., M.Z. and J.W. performed the optical measurements. M.Z. and Y.Z. constructed the measurement system. L.S. and J.Z. supervised the research and the development of the manuscript. W.L. wrote the draft of the manuscript, and all authors took part in the discussion and revision and approved the final copy of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Wenzhe Liu, Lei Shi or Jian Zi.

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Wang, B., Liu, W., Zhao, M. et al. Generating optical vortex beams by momentum-space polarization vortices centred at bound states in the continuum. Nat. Photonics 14, 623–628 (2020).

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