Correction to: Cell Death and Disease, published online 27 October 2022

The original version of this article contained a mistake. In this published article, an incorrect citation was mistakenly used in the 6th reference (Kovarovic K, Andrews P. Bovid postcranial ecomorphological survey of the Laetoli paleoenvironment. J Hum Evol. 2007; 52:663–80.). The error was made during the editing stage with some problems of the reference insert software, and this error was not detected during the subsequent proofreading stage. The correct citation of the 6th reference should be “de Goede OM, Nachun DC, Ferraro NM, Gloudemans MJ, Rao AS, Smail C, et al. Population-scale tissue transcriptomics maps long non-coding RNAs to complex disease. Cell. 2021;184:2633–48.e19.” The original article has been corrected.