Correction to: Light: Science & Applications published online 27 July 2021

After publication of this article1, it is noticed this article contained an error. In Results section, the equation ‘\({\mathsf{C}} = \vert \Sigma \, \vert {\mathsf{Rd}}{\hbox{-}}\, {\mathsf{Rg}}\vert{2}\)’ in the sentence below should be corrected to ‘\({\mathsf{C}} = \Sigma \vert {\mathsf{Rd}}{\hbox{-}}\, {\mathsf{Rg}}\vert^{2}\)’.

The difference between the generated response \({\mathsf{Rg}}\) and the detected response \({\mathsf{Rd}}\) (red block) is described with a cost function, for instance, mean square error \({\mathrm{C}} = \Sigma \vert {\mathsf{Rd}} - {\mathsf{Rg}} \vert {2}\), reflecting in the fluctuations in parameter space.

The original article has been updated.