Razzouk, L. & Farkouh, M. E. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 6, 524–531 (2009); doi:10.1038/nrcardio.2009.104

In the August 2009 issue of Nature Reviews Cardiology, errors were published in Table 2 (page 529) of the Review article by Louai Razzouk and Michael E. Farkouh. For the HATS trial, the end point(s) should read “Change in stenosis measured by arteriography”; the results should read “Stenosis regressed by 0.4% with simvastatin plus niacin compared with a 3.9% increase with placebo over 2 years (P <0.001)”. For the ARBITER-2 trial, the results should read “Mean CiMT increased significantly from baseline with placebo added to simvastatin (0.044 ± 0.100 mm; P <0.001) and was unchanged with niacin added to simvastatin (0.014 ± 0.104 mm; P = 0.23) over 1 year”. For the ARBITER-3 trial, the results should read “CiMT regressed by −0.027 ± 0.011 mm with niacin added to simvastatin over 1 year (P <0.001 compared with placebo added to simvastatin); patients treated for 2 years showed further regression of CiMT of 0.041 ± 0.021 mm (P = 0.001 compared with placebo added to simvastatin)”.