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Translation correlations in anisotropically scattering media


Controlling light propagation across scattering media by wavefront shaping holds great promise for a wide range of communications and imaging applications. But, finding the right shape for the wavefront is a challenge when the mapping between input and output scattered wavefronts (that is, the transmission matrix) is not known. Correlations in transmission matrices, especially the so-called memory effect, have been exploited to address this limitation. However, the traditional memory effect applies to thin scattering layers at a distance from the target, which precludes its use within thick scattering media, such as fog and biological tissue. Here, we theoretically predict and experimentally verify new transmission matrix correlations within thick anisotropically scattering media, with important implications for biomedical imaging and adaptive optics.

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Figure 1: The traditional memory effect.
Figure 2: Correlations within transmission matrices (simulated).
Figure 3: Experimental validation.
Figure 4: Using shift/shift correlations for focusing.
Figure 5: Comparison between shift/shift correlations and adaptive optics microscopy.

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We thank I. Freund, R. Chen and M. Jang for discussions and for providing very helpful feedback on this manuscript. This work was supported by the German Research Foundation, DFG (EXC 257 NeuroCure), NIH 1DP2OD007307-01 and the Wellcome Trust (WT092197MA).

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B.J. and R.H. conceived and developed the idea with essential help from I.M.V. B.J. and I.N.P. performed experiments. B.J., R.H. and I.M.V. wrote the manuscript. R.H. and I.M.V. wrote the mathematical supplement with help from B.J. B.J. and C.Y. supervised the project.

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Correspondence to Benjamin Judkewitz.

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Judkewitz, B., Horstmeyer, R., Vellekoop, I. et al. Translation correlations in anisotropically scattering media. Nature Phys 11, 684–689 (2015).

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