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Thermal infrared emission from biased graphene


The high carrier mobility1,2 and thermal conductivity3,4 of graphene make it a candidate material for future high-speed electronic devices5. Although the thermal behaviour of high-speed devices can limit their performance, the thermal properties of graphene devices remain incompletely understood. Here, we show that spatially resolved thermal radiation from biased graphene transistors can be used to extract the temperature distribution, carrier densities and spatial location of the Dirac point in the graphene channel. The graphene exhibits a temperature maximum with a location that can be controlled by the gate voltage. Stationary hot spots are also observed. Infrared emission represents a convenient and non-invasive characterization tool for graphene devices.

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Figure 1: Thermal emission from biased graphene.
Figure 2: Comparison of three different temperature measurements.
Figure 3: Bias-dependent thermal images of graphene.
Figure 4: Temperatures, charge carriers and the position of the Dirac point during gate-voltage sweeps.

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Freitag, M., Chiu, HY., Steiner, M. et al. Thermal infrared emission from biased graphene. Nature Nanotech 5, 497–501 (2010).

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