Technische Universität Berlin

Campus of Ideas – In the heart of Germany's Capital

Ideas can change the world - the Technische Universität Berlin has a long-standing tradition of excellence in this regard. With its 7 schools, around 100 degree courses and 29,200 students, it is the third largest technical university in Germany. High performance core subjects such as mathematics and natural sciences are not only closely intertwined with each other, but with the engineering sciences as well. At TU Berlin, these core disciplines also interact closely with the technology-oriented spheres of economics, humanities and social sciences. Flexible framework conditions serve to promote creative, problem-oriented academic endeavours across all university disciplines and institutions. Transdisciplinary research and the advancement of ground-breaking fields of science actively shape academic life on our Charlottenburg Campus, located in the very heart of the German capital.

TU Berlin is indeed an international institute of higher learning; it is characterised by numerous international cooperation projects and features a particularly high proportion of international students. People from all over the world rub shoulders on our campus: students from 130 countries have selected TU Berlin as their university of choice, and numerous scientists from abroad teach and conduct research here.

Through its successes in the Germany-wide Excellence Initiative, TU Berlin is currently the coordinating university for the Unifying Concepts of Catalysis project, the only excellence cluster in natural science to be awarded in the entire region. Moreover, together with the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin, TU Berlin coordinates the graduate-level Berlin Mathematical School. TU Berlin is also actively involved in two further excellence clusters and two graduate schools. Moreover, TU Berlin has two internationally prominent and distinctive initiatives at its disposal, i.e. the Matheon research centre sponsored by the German Science Foundation (DFG), and the NanOp competence centre - Application of Nanostructures in Optoelectronics - sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. These networks provide our students and teachers with outstanding cross-border research opportunities, as well as access to cutting edge science infrastructures and first-rate libraries. Berlin is an excellent venue for conducting scientific endeavours; the city's size, diversity and strengths ensure the best possible conditions for students and teachers who aspire to challenging careers in research.

TU Berlin offers numerous programmes and dedicated academic options that are specifically tailored to promoting promising young scientists, e.g. in the form of interdisciplinary and cross-school networks. Junior chairs are an important instrument in this regard. At TU Berlin they are equipped with their own scientific personnel, a remarkable aspect that is unique in all of Germany.

Building on these innovative structures, excellent achievements in research and dedicatedly interlinked international character, TU Berlin is one of the most attractive and forward-looking features of the German capital.

Technische Universität Berlin · Straβe des 17. Juni 135 · 10623 Berlin ·

» With all our campus facilities within walking distance, we purposely bring together young researchers from many countries and disciplines. Get to know us! We've got the brains for the future. «

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Steinbach · President of TU Berlin