Nature 427, 56–60 (2004)

In this Letter, an error in the legend of Fig. 2a was drawn to our attention by G. de Souza (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich). The correction of Si* for denitrification was erroneously described as “We correct for this by using N* (ref. 30), to define a corrected Si* = Si(OH)4 − NO3 − δ(N*) where δ is set to one if N* is smaller than −2 μmol kg−1 and to zero otherwise.” The actual correction used in producing Fig. 2a was done as follows: “We correct for this by using N* = NO3 − 16PO4, to define a corrected Si* = Si(OH)4 − NO3 + δ(N*) where δ is set to one if N* is smaller than −3 μmol kg−1 and to zero otherwise.” This has been corrected in the HTML version online.