Correction to: Heredity (2011) 107, 283–304; doi:10.1038/hdy.2011.16

Upon publication earlier in Volume 107, the author noticed that the Duffy alleles FY*A and FY*B had been unfortunately switched in one place in this Review paper. On page 294, in the section entitled ‘Red blood cell surface loci’ and sub-headed ‘Duffy’, there is a sentence in the second paragraph that should read:

‘From analysis of the sequences of these alleles, it appears that FY*B is ancestral (Hamblin and Di Rienzo, 2000; Schmid et al. , 2011) with amino acid Asp (TAG) at codon 42. Allele FY*A differs from FY*B with Gly (TGG) at position 42.’

The following reference has also been added (in bold):

Schmid P, Ravenell KR, Sheldon SL, Flegel WA (2011). DARC alleles and Duffy phenotypes in African Americans. Transfusion (in press).