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Primary central nervous system lymphoma: implication of high-dose chemotherapy followed by auto-SCT


Primary central nervous system lymphoma is a rare and distinct subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that is sensitive to radiation and chemotherapy. Decisions regarding the initial therapeutic approach are influenced by age and risk of therapy-related neurotoxicity. Despite several albeit small phase II studies, and the acknowledged need for larger prospective trials, there is supporting evidence to consider auto-SCT following induction chemotherapy in patients with good performance status. The international extranodal lymphoma study group is conducting a randomized phase II study comparing consolidative radiation therapy to high-dose therapy. Novel therapeutic options including early aggressive approach with upfront auto-SCT and strategies to prevent relapse following transplantation is an area of focus.

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This study was funded by NR support through Grant No. NIH/5K-12 CA090625-09.

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Reddy, N., Savani, B. Primary central nervous system lymphoma: implication of high-dose chemotherapy followed by auto-SCT. Bone Marrow Transplant 47, 1265–1268 (2012).

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