Articles in 2005

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  • Professionals Complementary to Dentistry (PCDs) have become highly valued members of the dental team. Their importance has been recognised by the government with plans for statutory registration to be discussed in Parliament later this year. Here we profile the main PCD groups and their leaders and ask them to explain the benefits of compulsory registration.

    PCD Associations
  • More and more dentists are combining the ancient Chinese therapy acupuncture with modern dentistry techniques to help patients cope with conditions from anxiety to pain relief. Julie Ferry takes a closer look.

    Cover Feature
  • The legal position in Europe on tooth whitening can sometimes be confusing because it has different interpretations in different countries. Arveen Bajaj speaks to the British Dental Association and the General Dental Council about the current legal position in the UK.

    AdviceOpen Access
  • In 2006 all PCDs must register with the General Dental Council (GDC). Vital has compiled answers from various GDC sources to frequently asked questions about the registration process.

  • A revealing study on dental hygienists in Scotland by President of the British Dental Hygienists' Association Margaret Ross. Adapted for Vital by Kate Maynard.

    Hygienist Survey
  • Drs Shirley and Charles Scola describe a progressive multi-entry, multi-exit degree programme run by the Fiji School of Medicine School of Oral Health.

    Island Life
  • Access to dental care is a hot topic in the UK. The Department of Health has admitted that half the UK population is not registered with a dental surgery because of a shortage of NHS dentists. Arveen Bajaj talks to dental access coordinators who aim to get patients the best possible dental care.

    Day in the Life
  • If you haven't arranged an exotic holiday in the sun then try Kate Maynard's alternative ideas for having fun on your summer break.

    On Your FeetOpen Access
    • Julia Brewin
    Book ReviewOpen Access
  • The family pet might just be the way to keep the stress levels at bay, says Arveen Bajaj.

    On Your FeetOpen Access