Plant reproduction articles within Nature Reviews Genetics


  • Review Article |

    DNA and histone modifications undergo extensive reprogramming to reset the epigenomic state between generations. This Review discusses the mechanisms and consequences of epigenetic reprogramming during plant sexual reproduction. Despite various similarities to the equivalent process in mammals, a key difference is the seemingly incomplete reprogramming of plant epigenomes, which has implications for evolution and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.

    • Tomokazu Kawashima
    •  & Frédéric Berger
  • Review Article |

    Seasonal cues, such as day length and temperature, influence the developmental programme of plants. Recent genetic research has shed light on the pathways that lead to seasonal responses in flowering. The regulation of these pathways inArabidopsis thaliana, their conservation throughout other species and comparative analysis of annual and perennial plants are considered here.

    • Fernando Andrés
    •  & George Coupland