Pharmacogenetics articles within Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology


  • Review Article |

    Herein, advances in our understanding of the genomic landscape of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), encompassing both somatic and germline alterations, are reviewed. The clinical implications of these alterations, particularly those in the germ line, are discussed with regard to susceptibility to ALL, treatment responses and therapy-related toxicities.

    • Ching-Hon Pui
    • , Kim E. Nichols
    •  & Jun J. Yang
  • Review Article |

    As the numbers of available anticancer drugs and thus possible drug combinations continues to grow, determining the optimal toxicity–efficacy balance of treatment regimens becomes increasingly complex, and the utility of standard empirical approaches to optimizing drug dosing and scheduling is becoming increasingly limited. Mathematical modelling can substantially advance the development of effective treatment regimens through improved rationalization of therapeutic strategies. In this Review, the authors highlight the achievements that have been made to date in computational modelling of drug regimens, as well as the limitations of this approach. They also discuss the potential future implementation of this strategy to achieve precision medicine in oncology.

    • Dominique Barbolosi
    • , Joseph Ciccolini
    •  & Nicolas André