Pharmacoeconomics articles within Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology


  • Opinion |

    The costs of both newly approved, and established anticancer drugs have risen dramatically in the past decade, to the point where the costs of such treatments are becoming unsustainable. In this perspective, the authors outline the extent of this problem, and how it is likely to continue, while also suggesting measures that could be taken in future to address these rising costs.

    • Vinay Prasad
    • , Kevin De Jesús
    •  & Sham Mailankody
  • News & Views |

    A qualitative study indicates that there is a positive selection bias towards favourable economic analysis of targeted therapies, when these are funded by the manufacturer. At a time of increasing budgetary constraints and public scrutiny of the relationship between industry and the professions, we need a more mixed economy of funding for this field.

    • David Kerr
    •  & Ahmed Elzawawy
  • Opinion |

    The use of therapy that is truly targeted to the needs and biological requirements of an individual patient is an aim for many in the oncology field. Jackson and Sood discuss the implications of targeted therapies on patients and the health-care system and discuss methods that might be used to maximize efficiency, cost effectiveness and patient survival.

    • David B. Jackson
    •  & Anil K. Sood