Head and neck cancer articles within Nature Medicine


  • Article |

    Treatment of patients with metastatic salivary gland cancer with anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 led to encouraging clinical benefit in certain histologic subtypes, with translational analyses showing pre-existing T cell clonal expansion in responding tumors.

    • Joris L. Vos
    • , Bharat Burman
    •  & Luc G. T. Morris
  • Technical Report |

    Multidrug and radiation resistance, as well as nonspecific toxic effects of some drugs, currently limit some cancer therapies. Ekaterina Lukianova-Hleb and colleagues address this with the development of an intracellular drug release system using plasmonic nanobubbles for the on-demand release of the encapsulated payload from nanocarriers, achieving high target cell specificity and intracellular concentration and enhanced therapeutic efficacy of both drugs and X-rays. Validation is shown in aggressive and multidrug resistant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma using encapsulated doxorubicin and paclitaxel.

    • Ekaterina Y Lukianova-Hleb
    • , Xiaoyang Ren
    •  & Dmitri O Lapotko

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