Haemic and immune systems articles within Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology


  • Opinion |

    Autophagy is fundamental to cellular homeostasis and also has a central role in the development and progression of cancer. However, autophagy is also required for optimal immune system function, including the development of an anticancer immune response. In this Perspective, the authors present the available preclinical and clinical evidence that autophagy might enhance the effectiveness of both immunogenic chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as opposed to the general view of inhibition of autophagy as an antitumour strategy.

    • Lorenzo Galluzzi
    • , José Manuel Bravo-San Pedro
    •  & Guido Kroemer
  • Opinion |

    Substantial interest exists in the effects of immunotherapy; however, radiation therapy also has the potential to stimulate an antitumour immune response. In this Perspectives, the authors describe the rationale for combining immunotherapy with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy based on the available clinical data, and provide recommendations for the future testing of approaches using this combination of treatments.

    • Michael B. Bernstein
    • , Sunil Krishnan
    •  & Joe Y. Chang