Drug safety articles within Nature Reviews Cardiology


  • Review Article |

    Therapeutic decision-making requires integration of complex information on patient-specific and therapy-specific factors. Physicians and prescribers face the daunting task of assessing the efficacy and safety of medications relative to each patient. In this Review, Drs Woosley and Romero discuss the challenges of safe medication prescribing to prevent drug-induced adverse events, and the efforts made to improve clinical decision support systems, using examples from several new evidence-based, online resources.

    • Raymond L. Woosley
    •  & Klaus Romero
  • News & Views |

    A network meta-analysis by Trelle and colleagues has confirmed that the routine use of all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both nonselective and selective, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. Although a rigorous method was used in this analysis, comparative safety research in which data from randomized clinical trials is used has some important strengths and weaknesses to consider.

    • Seo Young Kim
    •  & Daniel H. Solomon
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    Whether thiazolidinediones should be used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is controversial, as studies on the cardiovascular effects of these drugs have produced conflicting results. A trial in which rosiglitazone and glipizide were compared supports earlier findings that rosiglitazone does not have an adverse effect on the progression of coronary atherosclerosis.

    • Michael E. Farkouh
    •  & Valentin Fuster