Cellular imaging articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    NAD and NADP play fundamentally different roles in cellular metabolism, and yet these pyridine nucleotides cannot be distinguished spectroscopically in living cells. Blacker et al.demonstrate that fluorescence lifetime imaging can be used to quantify NADPH/NADH balance in cultured cells and in the mammalian cochlea.

    • Thomas S. Blacker
    • , Zoe F. Mann
    •  & Michael R. Duchen
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Current methods for detecting proliferation in live cells cannot distinguish between dividing cells and cells that are progressing through the cell cycle. Here, a method is described that detects anillin in the contractile ring and in the midbody of cells during M-phase, providing a more accurate detection of dividing cells.

    • Michael Hesse
    • , Alexandra Raulf
    •  & Bernd K. Fleischmann
  • Article |

    Imaging and tracking the motion of single molecules on cell plasma membranes requires high spatial resolution in three dimensions. Honget al. develop a plasmonic ruler based on the fluorescence enhancement of carbon nanotubes on a gold plasmonic substrate, allowing the observation of nanotube endocytosis in three dimensions.

    • Guosong Hong
    • , Justin Z. Wu
    •  & Hongjie Dai