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    A male factor is detected in about half of infertile couples seeking medical assistance to achieve pregnancy. A number of clinical conditions and lifestyle factors can affect male fertility through alterations to spermatogenesis, sperm function, and endocrine profiles. This Collection gathers research Articles investigating sperm functional integrity and seminal plasma molecular pathways. Submissions are also welcome that consider the physiopathology and clinical aspects of male infertility.

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    Myriad facets of life on Earth are affected by changes in the Antarctic, the Arctic and high-altitude regions. Here, Scientific Reports presents work by international teams working in the polar regions. A wide-reaching Collection, it touches on pollution, climate change, atmospheric science, and ecology from micro- to macroscale.

    Image: David Merron Photography/Getty
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    Crowdsourcing and citizen science are transforming the way that large-scale studies are conducted and helping to ignite public interest in scientific research. This collection represents some of our most recently published research in which the authors use collaborative techniques to explore their hypotheses.

    Image: mathisworks/Getty
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    Perovskite solar cells may become a valid alternative to silicon-based photovoltaics. Perovskites are inexpensive, easy to make, and good at absorbing light. Research is focussed on improving the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells to make them commercially viable.

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    The rapid growth of the global population has significantly increased energy consumption and pressure on the environment. New materials with intriguing physical and chemical properties provide opportunities to address these challenges. This Collection brings together original research focusing on the design and synthesis of nano- and micro-structured materials for energy and environmental applications.

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    There have been increasingly lively discussions about many published scientific results failing validation by independent studies. This so-called reproducibility crisis has led to criticisms of study design in animal research. Inappropriate statistical methods, poor experimental design, and extreme standardization in trial design may contribute to the problem. The purpose of this Collection is to present original methodologies to improve the status quo and to report meta-research about the reproducibility of published animal research.

    Image: Tetra Images/Getty
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    Some of our best and latest publications on the mechanisms underlying addiction disorders and the effects of addictive substances.

    Image: Shana Novak/Getty
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    A selection of excellent research articles providing insights into the human microbiome and its impact on our health – and disease.

    Image: Roger Harris/Science Photo Library
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    This collection of research, review and comment from Nature Research celebrates the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine awarded to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice "for the discovery of hepatitis C virus".

    Image: Springer Nature/The Nobel Foundation/Imagesource
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    A collection of some of our latest research into VR tools and the insights they have provided.

    Image: Mina De La O/Getty
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    A collection featuring some of our latest research on diseases transmitted by arthropod vectors, including strategies for mitigation and prevention.

    Image: Smith Collection/Gado