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    This Collection highlights original research on the evolution and function of plant mitochondria and chloroplasts, including organelle crosstalk and engineering.

    Image: NNehring / Getty
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    This Collection welcomes work aiming to better understand social perception and cognition in autism and how differences might affect individuals’ lives.

    Image: Image Source / Getty
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    This Collection invites the latest research which gives insight into clinical, genetic, or molecular mechanisms of all forms of retinal disease, or studies advancing their treatment.

    Image: koolsabuy /
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    This Guest Edited Collection presents original research on models of addiction that can ultimately lead to better prevention and therapy.

    Image: Peter Dazeley / Getty
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    This Collection seeks to give a platform to the latest research into biofuels, towards a more sustainable future.

    Image: malp /
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    This Collection will present manuscripts that provide insight into lymphatic vessel and organ function under physiological or pathological conditions.

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    This Guest Edited Collection invites original research on all aspects of biofortification.

    Image: Amelia Martin / 500px / Getty
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    This Guest Edited Collection aims to bring together the latest research on the risk factors and epidemiology of cerebrovascular disease, and the characterisation of acute treatments.

    Image: Gandee Vasan / Getty
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    This Collection invites the latest research on the evolutionary and biogeographic history, ecology, and conservation of biodiversity in marine islands and surrounding waters.

    Image: Paul Souders / Getty
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    This Guest Edited Collection invites research into the mechanisms, epidemiology, and treatment of neurological symptoms during and following COVID-19 infection.

    Image: Ljubaphoto / Getty
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    This Guest Edited Collection spotlights plant-plant interactions, including the role of volatile emissions and environmental factors in plant communication.

    Image: Cristian Mihai Vela / EyeEm / Getty
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    This Collection brings together the latest research on the climate during the Holocene.

    Image: Howard Kingsnorth / Getty