An expanding way to assess your research performance

Nature Index is evolving. Read on and contact us to discuss how Nature Index can give a rounded view of your organisation’s research.

Key benefits

Understand how your organisation’s research delivers academic and, coming soon, real-world impact

Comprehensive research metrics across a wide range of criteria.

High-quality, comprehensive data from trusted sources

Independent, data-rich reporting that reveal the stories behind the numbers

Free to access

How it works

Simple, transparent and current metrics that demonstrate high-quality research, collaboration, and real-world impact

Diverse data sources for comprehensive benchmarking

Nature Index is building on its history of monitoring publication output to include a richer, more valuable set of metrics. We’re combining leading sources of data from surveys, public and government sources, our bibliographic data partners, and more, to provide a set of measures that help you assess your research performance, and then determine how to improve it.

Nature Index is expanding to deliver data beyond publication and citations

Get access to the wide range of metrics you need to understand your organisation’s research performance. The Nature Index team monitors organisations on meaningful academic, societal, and economic indicators to support a rounded view of impact, which will become available as part of our future free to access releases. That gives you greater freedom to decide what metrics are important to you, and to track your progress accordingly.

Nature Index can form a central part of your monitoring strategy

The easy-to-use and transparent Nature Index can support your monitoring activity. You can compare current and historical data to track trends over time. And you can combine Nature Index with other data sets for deeper, more meaningful analysis that uncovers valuable insights to inform your research strategy.

Nature Index is expanding to help solve your research assessment challenges

Complete, accurate, and reliable monitoring data

Validate the assumptions that drive your research strategy decisions.

Data you can trust

Getting an accurate measurement of research impacts is critical. Imprecise data leads to uncertainty when deciding how to develop your organisation’s research strategy, who to collaborate with, and how to improve your organisation’s research impact. With Nature Index you benefit from our in-house data curation so you can confidently:

  • Understand current position versus competitors
  • Develop your strategy
  • Build your reputation, secure funding, attract and retain the best talent
One view of social and economic impacts

From citations to patents and societal impact, research performance comes in many different guises. Nature Index will make it easier for you to assess performance and make informed decisions without having to switch between multiple tools or sources of information. Nature Index will remove complexity by providing:

  • One place to go for social and economic metrics
  • Ability to compare data and add vital context
  • A guide to inform future research strategy

Latest insights

AI’s international research networks mapped

A few key countries have become hubs of collaboration in artificial intelligence.<br>

Dataviz | 17 September 2024

South Korean science on the global stage
Chinese science still has room to grow
Numbers highlight US dominance in clinical research

Learn more about benchmarking your research performance

Additional Research Intelligence solutions

Comprehensive deep-dives and custom high-quality reports into relevant research topics to influence major research and funding decisions.

One centralised, holistic source of research trends to track emerging research topics and guide your decision making.