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  • Murine β-adducin, and its fly homologue HTS, have key roles in synapse assembly and disassembly, and mediate the improvement of learning and memory induced by environmental enrichment.

    • Monica Hoyos Flight
    Research Highlight
  • Depletion of TDP43 alters the processing of multiple brain RNAs.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • VEGF promotes hippocampus-dependent memory independently of its effects on neurogenesis and angiogenesis, by increasing synaptic strength.

    • Leonie Welberg
    Research Highlight
  • Non-apoptotic caspase signalling mediates microglia activation by pro-inflammogens and contributes to neurotoxicity.

    • Monica Hoyos Flight
    Research Highlight
  • Early tagging of cortical neurons after memory encoding is required for subsequent memory consolidation.

    • Katie Kingwell
    Research Highlight
  • A neural correlate between aggressive behaviour and mating has been found. This involves a set of neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus that are active during fighting and suppressed during mating.

    • Sian Lewis
    Research Highlight
  • Hot- and cold-sensing neurons form a thermotopic map in the fly brain

    • Monica Hoyos Flight
    Research Highlight
  • Context-induced relapse to heroin seeking is triggered by the activation of a subset of neurons in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex.

    • Leonie Welberg
    Research Highlight
  • Zinc finger protein 521 (ZFP521) drives neural induction in embryonic stem cells.

    • Katherine Whalley
    Research Highlight
  • A link between PACAP–PAC1 and post-traumatic stress disorder in women has been identified.

    • Katie Kingwell
    Research Highlight
  • The timing of cell birth influences neuronal projections from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory cortex.

    • Monica Hoyos Flight
    Research Highlight
  • Microtubule stabilization reduces scarring and promotes axon regeneration after spinal cord injury.

    • Katie Kingwell
    Research Highlight
  • α5-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the habenulo-interpeduncular pathway modulate nicotine addiction.

    • Katie Kingwell
    Research Highlight
  • Chemokine signalling through CXCR4 and CXCR7 have non-redundant but interacting functions in neuronal migration during development.

    • Katie Kingwell
    Research Highlight
  • Two functional neural networks emerge during a perceptual task, and synchronization in these networks influences performance on the task.

    • Leonie Welberg
    Research Highlight
  • Hippocampal insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) has a crucial role in memory consolidation and can improve memory retention.

    • Leonie Welberg
    Research Highlight
  • Memory reactivation has opposing effects on memory stability during wakefulness and sleep.

    • Yukie Ozawa
    Research Highlight
  • A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids leads to endocannabinoid-mediated synaptic and behavioural changes

    • Leonie Welberg
    Research Highlight