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Volume 22 Issue 7, July 2022

Sepsis, ageing and the brain, inspired by the Review on p444.

Cover design: Simon Bradbrook


  • Among the multi-organ complications of Long COVID, those associated with cardiometabolic syndrome were some of the most prevalent in recent studies of population-scale data. Given the potential health and economic burdens, there is an urgent need to better define the inflammatory processes involved.

    • Justin J. Frere
    • Benjamin R. tenOever




  • In individuals with Down syndrome, immune dysregulation is partially caused by chromosome 21 trisomy. Here, we discuss how these immune differences may result in poorer COVID-19 outcomes, including diminished responses to vaccination and possibly elevated risk for long COVID.

    • Manini Majithia
    • Susan P. Ribeiro
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Research Highlights

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  • The renin–angiotensin, complement and kallikrein–kinin systems comprise a multitude of mediators that modulate physiological responses during inflammatory and infectious diseases. This Review investigates the complex interactions between these systems and how these are dysregulated in various conditions, including cardiovascular diseases and COVID-19, as well as their therapeutic implications.

    • Zivile Bekassy
    • Ingrid Lopatko Fagerström
    • Diana Karpman
    Review Article
  • Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a serious chronic liver disorder of increasing prevalence worldwide. Metabolic by nature, the disease also mobilizes the immune system. Here, Huby and Gautier discuss current knowledge regarding how diverse immune cell subsets affect NASH onset and progression.

    • Thierry Huby
    • Emmanuel L. Gautier
    Review Article
  • In this Review, Manabe and Heneka examine how the systemic inflammation associated with sepsis can lead to acute cerebral dysfunction known as sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE). Moreover, they suggest that some of the mechanisms involved in SAE may be relevant for understanding the cognitive impairments that develop in some patients with COVID-19.

    • Tatsuya Manabe
    • Michael T. Heneka


    Review Article
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Amendments & Corrections

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