Q&A with our new Editor-in-Chief

Get to know our founding Editor-in-Chief, Jing Liu, as she shares her thoughts about becoming involved with the journal.



What are you most looking forward to in your role as Editor-in-Chief?

As the Editor-in-Chief of npj Cardiovascular Health, I am most looking forward to the opportunity to serve for the journal and researchers. I am excited about working closely with the distinguished editorial board and the team of experts to curate high-quality content that reflects the latest advancements and diverse perspectives in cardiovascular health. I am also eager to engage with researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals in the cardiovascular health community. I believe these interactions will help to disseminate research and foster collaborations leading to advancements in cardiovascular health.

How will you steer the development of npj Cardiovascular Health?

I think the most important thing is to define a clear vision and scope for npj Cardiovascular Health. This will guide the selection and publication of high-quality articles that drive advancements in the field. Secondly, we will assemble a distinguished editorial board comprising both leading experts and active young elites from various disciplines within cardiovascular health, ensuring the journal maintains the highest editorial standards and reflects the diverse perspectives of the scientific community. Finally, I will work closely with internal editors. This collaborative editorial model will ensure the delivery of research to the global scientific community while upholding rigorous editorial standards and reinforcing the credibility and impact of published work.

Why should researchers submit their work to npj Cardiovascular Health?

npj Cardiovascular Health aims to be a globally recognized journal at the forefront of cardiovascular health research. Publishing research in npj Cardiovascular Health can benefit from the prestigious Nature Portfolio platform, ensuring global visibility to a wide network of clinicians, researchers, policymakers, industries, and the public. This broad reach enhances the chances of researchers’ work being seen, cited, and potentially influencing the field. Moreover, we provide constructive reviews and editorial decisions. Rejected manuscripts can be seamlessly transferred to other candidate journals published by Springer Nature. This allows researchers to explore alternative avenues for publication and dissemination of their work, ensuring that their research reaches a wider audience and continues to contribute to the field of cardiovascular health.