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  • Some Springer Nature journals, including Nature Physics, are mandating Open Researcher and Contributor IDs (ORCIDs) for the corresponding authors of accepted papers. We provide some context to this initiative.

  • Like all journals based on Nature's editorial philosophy, Nature Physics relies on a dedicated team of full-time editors. We briefly describe who they are and what they do.

  • The centennial celebrations for morphology masterwork On Growth and Form are just kicking off. We look at why physicists should get involved.

  • The 50th anniversary of the Institut Laue–Langevin marks a time for celebration, and for reflection on the future of Europe's neutron-scattering landscape.

  • History and cultural depth are assets that benefit Indian science. But do they also hinder it?

  • This month we officially welcome our new sister journal, Nature Astronomy.

  • China is investing in big astronomy and astrophysics projects, but is still debating the way forward in experimental particle physics.

  • Elementary particles are the building blocks of matter, but there is also a zoo of quasiparticles that are crucial for understanding how this matter behaves.

  • The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz “for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter”.

  • Nature Physics now requires its published papers to include information on whether and how their underlying data are accessible to others.

  • A flurry of 'null results' have hit the physics headlines recently. They are only 'null' if you place no value in the information they provide.

  • During its 25 years of existence, arXiv has exceeded every expectation in terms of growth and its impact on how science is disseminated.

  • Topology has journeyed from the purely mathematical arena to feature throughout physics.

  • There is no upside for UK science in the event of a vote to leave the EU in the upcoming referendum.

  • Although driven by the promise of almost limitless energy, fusion research touches on plenty of gripping, fundamental physics — and the wider scientific community has every reason to be supportive.

  • The history of physics publishing in the past century shows how the changing needs of the research community shaped the dissemination of knowledge through scientific journals.

  • An excursion into ecology and two sets of experiments lay the foundation for our Focus on Turbulence.

  • Physicists have finally detected gravitational waves, in a triumph of ingenuity and perseverance. And now we need to explain them to the general public.

  • Emergent phenomena are common in condensed matter. Their study now extends beyond strongly correlated electron systems, giving rise to the broader concept of quantum materials.
