News & Comment

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  • The combination of microwave photons with superconducting quantum circuits offers promise for quantum technologies and the fundamental study of quantum light–matter interactions. This month, a Focus issue explores this field of research.

  • The pursuit of connections both within and between disparate disciplines is a powerful driver for new understanding.

  • The need to control and manipulate the properties of quantum materials has led to a burst of interest in their properties out of equilibrium. Understanding this regime represents an opportunity for theorists and experimentalists alike.

  • The demonstration of a quantum computational advantage is a milestone worth celebrating.

  • Half of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to James Peebles “for theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology” and the other half is shared by Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz “for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star”.

  • The selection of speakers at a conference should reflect the full diversity of experience within the relevant community. Including more early-career researchers may help achieve this goal.

  • Journals are evolving into information platforms. This development provides a key to understanding recent trends in science publishing, and raises important questions about its future.

  • As a result of feedback from the research community, we are strengthening our encouragement for authors to share a certain amount of data with their papers.

  • Although often in the headlines for the wrong reasons, Israel is host to a strong economy. The fundamental drivers of this economic success include a top-tier research system, which is worth examining more closely.

  • Three years have passed since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, yet the country struggles to agree on a way forward. The uncertainty this creates is being felt across its research community.

  • General relativity was first experimentally verified in 1919. On the centennial of this occasion, we celebrate the scientific progress fuelled by subsequent efforts at verifying its predictions, from time dilation to the observation of the shadow of a black hole.

  • Nature Physics is one of 23 Springer Nature journals involved in a pilot scheme to make published papers readily available via ResearchGate.

  • The British Royal Mint has issued a commemorative coin in honour of Stephen Hawking.

  • In praise of the March meeting of the American Physical Society.

  • Each year, hundreds of scientists dedicate their time and expertise to help us assess the manuscripts that we send out for review. For those papers that make it through to publication, we will now be thanking them publicly.

  • After much debate about what should be done about sharing of scientific data and source code, practical solutions are still hard to come by. How should the physics community move forward?

  • This month marks the launch of Nature Reviews Physics, the newest addition to the Nature Reviews stables.

  • A careful analysis of data obtained from the IceCube telescope in Antarctica shows that atmospheric neutrinos can be used as a tomographic probe of the Earth.

  • The growing influence in many disciplines of concepts rooted in the physics of complex systems is an achievement that warrants celebration.
