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  • Controversial and out-of-line results should not be discarded or hidden — even though revealing them may come at some recriminatory cost, as the OPERA collaboration has discovered.

  • In times of fiscal restraint, it is vital that every dollar, pound, yen, yuan and euro be put to good use. Lazy accounting, however, is no way to encourage excellence.

  • Two big-science projects — the Large Hadron Collider and the Planck satellite — are set to deliver major results in the coming year.

  • Nuclear weapons, nuclear power and climate change are driving the march of the Doomsday Clock towards midnight.

  • The web blackout symbolized concern over potential legislation, which we share.

    • Andreas Trabesinger
  • Investment in science must be part of Europe's plan to rebuild its economies.

  • The Higgs boson is running out of places to hide.

  • Increasingly, scientists are expected to go beyond the traditional scientific paper to explain their research to a non-specialist readership. We offer some tips on writing popular science for a general audience.

  • The final bids are in to host a major radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Array.

  • A survey of researchers has canvassed opinion on the 'grand challenges' to be faced in physics research — asking what might become achievable if more collaborative efforts are supported.

  • NASA's space shuttle programme is at an end — as may be the funding for its next space telescope.

  • Particle physicists are strict about signals — five standard deviations is what's required. But discoveries may also emerge gradually from confusing effects that are initially of much lower significance.

  • One hundred and fifty years ago, James Clerk Maxwell presented a set of equations that describes virtually any manifestation of electromagnetism. Is it possible to find similarly compact descriptions — and is the search even worthwhile — in every branch of physics ?

  • Superconductivity may have reached its centenary, but if anything it's a more active field of research today than ever. From materials dull or shiny, to the race for the Higgs boson, superconductivity remains relevant and exciting.

  • It's time to give serious consideration to the notion of job-sharing in science.

  • The first tentative steps towards a comprehensive policy on scientific integrity, to guide scientists and politicians, are being taken in the US. Progress is slow, but should be encouraged.
