Articles in 2009

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  • By applying a magnetic field to an atomic vapour, it is shown that the large bandwidth of off-resonance slow-light media can be combined with the Faraday effect to realize a high-bandwidth dispersive probe for atomic systems. This will open up the possibility of probing atomic dynamics on a nanosecond timescale.

    • Paul Siddons
    • Nia C. Bell
    • Ifan G. Hughes
  • Imaging through a nonlinear medium can be difficult because signals distort as they propagate through it owing to intensity-dependent phase changes. Here, digital reconstruction of optical spatial beams propagating in a nonlinear medium is presented, which could help the understanding of coupled-wave dynamics and suggest new image-processing techniques.

    • Christopher Barsi
    • Wenjie Wan
    • Jason W. Fleischer
  • Photoacoustic imaging, using laser light to stimulate the emission of ultrasonic waves from tissue inside the human body, potentially offers a route to far deeper imaging than possible with conventional optical techniques, reports Duncan Graham-Rowe.

    • Duncan Graham-Rowe
    Out of the lab
  • Powerful lightning strikes pose a significant threat to buildings and people, but imagine if it were possible to control and direct them with a laser beam. Nature Photonics spoke to Jérôme Kasparian, a researcher from the University of Geneva and co-ordinator of the Teramobile project, about the idea.

    • Oliver Graydon
  • The high-resolution imaging of individual colour centres in diamond using stimulated emission depletion microscopy is set to offer new insights into the physics underlying solid-state light emitters.

    • Vahid Sandoghdar
    News & Views
  • LEDs are receiving great interest as candidates for next-generation lighting because they promise to reduce energy consumption enormously. However, to be a feasible solution their quantum efficiency needs to improve. Now, it seems that the incorporation of photonic crystals may be an answer.

    • Susumu Noda
    • Masayuki Fujita
    News & Views
  • A transition between strong and weak coupling regimes in a polariton diode microcavity yields optically controlled switching of current. Researchers show bistable cycles for optical powers two to three orders of magnitude less than typical schemes.

    • Alexey Kavokin
    News & Views
  • It has now been shown that twisting the orientation of layers in a metamaterial provides a new way of tailoring their electromagnetic properties. Nature Photonics spoke to Harald Giessen and Na Liu from the University of Stuttgart about the idea.

    • Oliver Graydon
  • By carefully optimizing the properties of a waveguide made from a highly nonlinear glass, Australian researchers have achieved record optical nonlinearity and put it to use in a broadband radiofrequency spectrum analyser. The work could ultimately lead to improved all-optical signal processing.

    • Christophe Dorrer
    News & Views
  • Electrically tunable metamaterials make it possible to create the first solid-state phase modulator operating at terahertz frequencies.

    • Carsten Rockstuhl
    • Weili Zhang
    News & Views
  • Researchers in South Korea and the Netherlands have demonstrated that the enhancement of the electric field of terahertz radiation inside a nano-slit continues to grow, even when the slit becomes narrower than the skin depth of the material.

    • Luis Martin-Moreno
    News & Views
  • Spatial control of the phase and amplitude of a laser beam is useful for applications ranging from imaging and holography to interferometry and optical tweezers, reports Neil Savage.

    • Neil Savage
    Product Focus
  • Given that universities and companies have such different needs, is it appropriate for them to have partnerships, and if so, is some form of regulation required?

  • Blue light-emitting diodes with a light extraction efficiency of 73% are reported. The InGaN–GaN devices use a photonic-crystal structure for superior optical mode control; their performance has been characterized experimentally and modelled theoretically.

    • Jonathan J. Wierer Jr
    • Aurelien David
    • Mischa M. Megens