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  • Metagenomics sprang from advances in sequencing technology, and continued improvements are providing data in quantities unimaginable a few years ago. But without concerted efforts, the amount of data will quickly outpace the ability of scientists to analyze it.

  • Computational biologists are often tempted to avoid providing a named software implementation of their new algorithm, but resisting this temptation helps avoid difficulties later on and benefits the wider community of biologists.

  • Though somewhat rare, there are a few good fiction books to be found with refreshingly realistic biologists as central characters in laboratory settings.

  • Methods to study the behavior of Drosophila sp. in the context of a group may deepen our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying social behavior.

  • Nature Methods follows in the footsteps of Nature by ushering in an Online Methods section, fully integrated with the paper, for all original research articles.

  • The rise of 'omics' methods and data-driven research presents new possibilities for discovery but also stimulates disagreement over how science should be conducted and even how it should be defined.

  • The increasing impact of science on society calls for improved communication between scientists and the public via dedicated science media centers as well as nontraditional personal blogs.

  • The development of large-scale centralized biobanks raises the stakes in a familiar conversation on ethics in medical research and poses unique challenges to lawmakers that will require informed discussions between scientists and the public.

  • The maturation of large-scale protein-protein interaction methodologies calls for improved methods to assess performance and data quality.

  • With its tremendous potential for understanding cellular biology now poised to become a reality, super-resolution fluorescence microscopy is our choice for Method of the Year.

  • Sequencing technology is now advanced enough to decode individual human genomes. Will it prove to be better than existing methods for discovering the genetic basis of human phenotypic variation?

  • The fourth anniversary of Nature Methods' arrival on the publishing scene and a change in leadership offer an opportunity for reflection and editorial fine-tuning.

  • A feasibility study for the systematic generation of affinity reagents to human proteins provides an opportunity to test the merits of recombinant affinity reagents.

  • A constant influx of new methods keeps research on microRNA biology fast-paced and can provide divergent vantage points.

  • The use of organized competition to evaluate algorithm performance would be very beneficial for small communities, not just large ones.

  • Biologists are increasingly interested in single-molecule approaches. In this issue, a Focus provides a biologist's guide to this relatively new field, and two papers present advances in nanoscale visualization.

  • Presenting at a conference is a unique opportunity to broadly communicate your work. Here are ten suggestions to make the most of it.
