Rough ride

Geron led the field in bringing stem-cell therapies to clinical trial, but paid the price of being first.


November 1990 Geron founded by Michael West.

November 1998 Human embryonic stem cells (pictured below) derived and cultured for the first time, funded by Geron.

May 2008 Despite a 21,000-page submission from Geron, the US Food and Drug Administration decides that its clinical trial of human embryonic stem cells should not proceed.

January 2009 Clinical trial approved, just three days after US President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

August 2009 Clinical trial put on hold again.

July 2010 Hold lifted, clinical trial proceeds.


October 2010 Geron announces first dose given to patient in clinical trial.

February 2011 Long-term chief executive Tom Okarma resigns.

September 2011 Geron appoints John Scarlett as chief executive.

November 2011 Geron quits stem-cell research and development.

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