Research articles

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  • In situ measurement of O2 in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko shows local abundances ranging from one per cent to ten per cent relative to H2O; the spatial and temporal uniformity of the O2/H2O ratio suggests that primordial O2 was incorporated into the nucleus during the comet’s formation.

    • A. Bieler
    • K. Altwegg
    • P. Wurz
  • Salamanders are the only tetrapod that can fully regenerate their limbs and tail, a capacity that might be linked to their unique preaxial mode of limb development; here, data from fossils reveal the existence of preaxial polarity in various amphibians from the Carboniferous and Permian periods, suggesting that salamander-like regeneration is an ancient feature of tetrapods that was subsequently lost at least once in the lineage leading to amniotes.

    • Nadia B. Fröbisch
    • Constanze Bickelmann
    • Florian Witzmann
  • The X-ray crystal structure of influenza C virus polymerase, captured in a closed, pre-activation confirmation, is solved at 3.9 Å resolution; comparison with previous RNA-bound structures reveals large conformational changes associated with RNA binding and activation, and illustrates the notable flexibility of the influenza virus RNA polymerase.

    • Narin Hengrung
    • Kamel El Omari
    • Ervin Fodor
  • Two flexible metal-organic frameworks are presented as solid adsorbents for methane that undergo reversible phase transitions at specific methane pressures, enabling greater storage capacities of usable methane than have been achieved previously, while also providing internal heat management of the system.

    • Jarad A. Mason
    • Julia Oktawiec
    • Jeffrey R. Long
  • Fungal pathogens reorient hyphal growth towards their plant hosts in response to chemical signals; here, directed growth of the plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum towards the roots of the tomato plant is shown to be triggered by class III peroxidases secreted by the tomato plant, with the fungal response requiring a sex pheromone receptor.

    • David Turrà
    • Mennat El Ghalid
    • Antonio Di Pietro
  • The structure of the Cas1–Cas2 complex bound to a protospacer sequence illustrates how foreign DNA is captured and measured by bacterial proteins in preparation for integration into CRISPR loci.

    • James K. Nuñez
    • Lucas B. Harrington
    • Jennifer A. Doudna
  • Chemical methods for adding carbon-based or nitrogen-based functional groups to alkenes are well established, but strategies for adding both to the same double bond have limitations; here, a method for the carboamination of alkenes at the same double bond is described.

    • Tiffany Piou
    • Tomislav Rovis
  • The atmospheres of white dwarfs often contain elements heavier than helium, even though these elements would be expected to settle into the stars’ interiors; observations of the white dwarf WD 1145+017 suggest that disintegrating rocky bodies are orbiting the star, perhaps contributing heavy elements to its atmosphere.

    • Andrew Vanderburg
    • John Asher Johnson
    • Jason T. Wright
  • The authors trained mice to attend to or suppress vision based on behavioral context and show, through novel and established techniques, that changes in visual gain rely on tunable feedforward inhibition of visual thalamus via innervating thalamic reticular neurons; these findings introduce a subcortical model of attention in which modality-specific thalamic reticular subnetworks mediate top-down and context-dependent control of sensory selection.

    • Ralf D. Wimmer
    • L. Ian Schmitt
    • Michael M. Halassa
  • Economic productivity is shown to peak at an annual average temperature of 13 °C and decline at high temperatures, indicating that climate change is expected to lower global incomes more than 20% by 2100.

    • Marshall Burke
    • Solomon M. Hsiang
    • Edward Miguel
  • Experiments, asymptotic theory and computer simulations of wall-bounded shear flow uncover a bifurcation scenario that explains the transition from localized turbulent patches to fully turbulent flow.

    • Dwight Barkley
    • Baofang Song
    • Björn Hof
  • This study finds that the Hippo pathway is essential for gut epithelial regeneration and tumour initiation; the Hippo component Yap holds off differentiation of intestinal stem cells to Paneth cells to promote a survival and self-renewal regenerative program through activation of the Egfr pathway.

    • Alex Gregorieff
    • Yu Liu
    • Jeffrey L. Wrana