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    Despite the extensive use of antibiotics and vaccination programmes, infectious diseases remain a leading cause of illness worldwide, resulting in more than 13 million deaths each year. These reviews examine how bacteria attack and survive in the host, the mechanisms that the host uses to defend itself, and the therapeutic strategies that can be used to buttress these defences.

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    The past decade has witnessed astounding technological advances in genome sequencing. The next step in this biological revolution - 'functional genomics' - is the subject of this Nature Insight. Functional genomics is not simply the assignation of function to identified genes, but the organization and control of genetic pathways that make up cells and organisms. Leading figures in genomics assess here the challenges arising from the avalanche of sequence data.

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    The Earth's biodiversity - the sum total of all biotic variation from the level of genes to ecosystems - is being lost at an unprecedented rate. This broad-ranging Collection of reviews focuses on the science of biodiversity, covering the underlying concepts, pure and applied research, and biodiversity loss from the human perspective.

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    Today, there are as many people in the world who are affected by obesity and its related health problems as there are suffering from hunger. This Collection of reviews investigates this complex disease from its basic epidemiology through to the molecular mechanisms for regulation and possible treatment strategies that are being developed.

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    This special Collection of immunology papers, all of which have appeared in our pages in 1999, presents the breadth of the field, and we are very pleased to acknowledge Biogen, whose financial support helped to make this supplement possible. Indeed, Naturehas published many of the landmark studies over the past 40 years and we aim to continue to be at the forefront.

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    Forecasting the future in science is fun but often hopelessly misleading. This publication, commissioned by all the Naturejournals, focuses on future developments about which we can be reasonably confident and which will have an impact on the lives of all of us.

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    Throughout its 130-year history, Naturehas provided readers with news and comment about scientific careers. ThisNatureCollection provides a repository of invaluable websites and other data essential for the serious jobhunter who wants just the right opportunity.

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    The progress that has been made in the last decades in understanding the biology of the nervous system is extraordinary, and nowhere is this more immediately relevant than in the understanding and treatment of neurological disorders. Thus, we believe that this supplement is both timely and important to our readership.

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    On 13 January 1999, Brazil suffered a shock which, if you listened to some commentators abroad, shook it to its very core. In São Paulo the following week, however, the locals were unfazed. By Latin American standards, a devaluation of 25 per cent (later 45 per cent) was not much to get excited about...

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    The aim of this Collection is to celebrate the ingenuity and diversity of physics in the twentieth-century.