Outlook in 2017

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  • Dogs, cats and birds have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. Our interconnected lives offer physical and psychological benefits, as well as some risks.

    • Rosie Mestel
  • In the southern United States, heartworm parasites are acquiring resistance to preventives that once offered complete protection, raising concerns for dog owners.

    • Michael Eisenstein
  • The health of animals, humans and the environment will be better served by breaking down barriers, says Laura H. Kahn.

    • Laura H. Kahn
  • Once anathema, it now seems that a 'dirty' environment can enrich a baby's microbiome and lessen her or his likelihood of developing everything from obesity to asthma. Again, it seems that we can rely on man's best friend to help us out.

    • Sujata Gupta
  • A pathogen spread by domestic cats threatens the health of humans and livestock. Could a solution as simple as taking better care of cats help to combat the infection?

    • Sarah DeWeerdt
  • Dogs and cats in temperate regions are encountering pathogens that once thrived only in the tropics. As the climate warms and pests migrate north, animals, and some humans, are facing new health risks.

    • Emily Sohn
  • Ebola could pose a grave health threat to gorillas in Africa. Vaccination seems like a smart solution, but dosing the animals in the wild poses major challenges.

    • Cassandra Willyard