Opinion in 1997

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  • Forest fires and urban pollution are wreaking havoc in South-East Asia. Technology and ecology can offer a little help, but more national and international awareness would also be useful.

  • Concerns in the US Jewish community about the potential misuse of genetic results need to be addressed.

  • Discussions about art and science can be frustrating but occasionally stimulating. The Editor explains why this issue includes the first of a series of artistic and art-historical contributions to Nature.

    • Philip Campbell
  • The Swiss have embarked on a national debate about the use of transgenic animals, threatening devastation of biological science and industry in their country. Are they a barometer of wider public antipathy?

  • Japan's scientifically weaker neighbours are outperforming it in the pursuit of quality.

  • Most disciplines know how to handle the naming of newly discovered objects. Not so the molecular biologists, whose profligate and undisciplined labelling is hampering communication.

  • Parties to the United Nations biodiversity convention have been given a rare opportunity.

  • Campaigns aimed at environmental protection need to maintain a careful balance between conviction and fresh thinking. Industry and activists should aim for more of the latter.

  • Plans to merge Japan's Science and Technology Agency with the Ministry of Education need more thought.

  • Scientific robustness — not certainty — is the key to good environmental regulation. Only when this is recognized will debates about the soundness of scientific advice or access to data be properly resolved.

  • Italy must grasp a unique chance to reform its grant system before the window of opportunity closes.

  • The US Department of Energy will have to build something soon if it is to retain its role as provider of state-of-the-art scientific facilities. It should draw up a realistic medium-term plan for facility construction.

  • Unesco should think again before endorsing an outright condemnation of human cloning.

  • A landmark report on British higher education highlights an undercapitalized system ever more driven by a growing diversity of customers and the breakdown of trust between the academic community and the state.

  • The US Senate should be applauded for rejecting the administration's caution on plant genome sequencing.

  • Europe's proposed directive on biotechnology patenting has passed its most difficult hurdle. But patent policy still faces problems, such as the way some claims are implemented, and the lack of a ‘grace period’.

  • A major health crisis is being belatedly addressed by those who can make a difference. Real progress can be anticipated — provided participants act with regard for each others' constraints and experience.
